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Designing an Amazing Facebook Page

One of my most requested design jobs in the last 2 years have been social media designs. With a presence on social media becoming more vital to the success for a business, it's important to be easily found with branding that can be quickly identified.

While I offer designs for various social media (Facebook, Etsy, Instagram, YouTube, etc.), Facebook has a very user-friendly image sizing and requirements that can allow any user to make their own page stand out.

Here's some tips on how to design a gorgeous Facebook page for your business. And once your page is designed, don't forget to read about getting more likes on your posts (below this article)!

Dimensions may have changed since they were included at the time of this blog. To keep current, always-up-to-date social media designs, check out this spreadsheet.

Note that all color schemes should be in RGB, not CMYK. I also have a blog on that difference below this article!

Profile Photo

180 x 180 pixels

This would be the most important photo for your business. This should display either your business name or the icon of your logo, if easily recognized. It is always displayed as a square, and JPGs show the best resolution. Keeping your file around 100kb will allow for the fastest loading time. This profile photo appears everywhere, while your cover photo only appears on your page, making your cover photo secondly most important.

Cover Photo

820 x 312 pixels

Keep your cover photo concise and simple. It doesn't need to be a complex arrangement of photos. Even just one compelling photo to inspire your visitors is a great marketing tool. Don't forget, mobile devises don't see the entire cover photo, and with such a high percentage of users on their phones, it's important to keep the most important part of your image in the center.

Shared Posts

Shared images will appear at 1200 x 630 pixels, so be sure important information isn't cut off beyond these dimensions. Shared links that include an image with the link will appear at 1200 x 627 pixels. This slight different from shared photos could be just enough to cut off important text. Remember, if you are sharing an image with text, Facebook may recognize this as an ad and it won't reach many users. Don't forget to utilize the "pin post" tool on Facebook. Create a compelling post that shows what your company does and then pin it to the top of your page.

If sharing multiple photos, your images will appear in a square ratio (300 x 300 pixels) in a "carousel" type of format.

Facebook Ads

You can utilize Facebook ads by paying to promote a particular post. This post should include an engaging image. Using photos of people attract your clients most (there is science to back it up, having to do with responding to emotions shown on faces). Don't use any text within your photo, as Facebook identifies it as an ad and it won't reach as many users. In your text, use a call to action and create a sense of urgency. A call to action could be a link to your website or a phone number, and a sense of urgency would be words like "now" or "today" or "expiring soon!"

Your ad should tell a story. There should first be a personal connection, either with the photo or the problem you're presenting. Then there needs to be a solution to the problem (your business is the solution), confirmation that it's worked (using statistics of how many satisfied customers or a testimonial), a no-risk offer with words like "trial" or "free," and then finally your call-to-action.

Designing your Facebook page can be fun! And you can change up your posts, cover photo, and profile photos at any time, but it's important to stick with similar branding and a similar "voice" throughout your engagement on social media. Your "voice" should be easily recognizable, friendly, and engaging. So are you ready to pump up your social media presence? Let me know if you have any questions below, or, have Radiant Resolution do it for you!Save



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About Brittany Klein

Brittany Klein is a freelance graphic designer from Maryland. She established her company, Radiant Resolution, in 2008 after receiving her Master of Arts degree in graphic design from Savannah College of Art & Design. She has since written blogs, e-books, and articles centered around graphic design and fine art for many organizations across the country.

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