Page-by-Page Website Checklist

So you've determined it's time for a new website. Whether you are redesigning your current website or starting from scratch, there are definitely some essentials you'll need to provide for your visitors.
In addition to some essential pages for your business, I've outlined some specific content and other components you should include on your new website. No matter the type of business, these web page essentials will help provide the right information to attract clients, guaranteed!
The Home Page
Your home page is the first thing visitors will see, so you'll want to make an impact without bombarding your visitors with too much information. You'll also want to make sure you're mobile-friendly (we can help with you that!).
Some components that you should include on your home page are:
Your logo. It should be front and center, and memorable. At the very least, it should be visible at the top of your page and link back to the home page when clicked. As a bonus, you could have a stable navigation bar, so links and the logo are visible even as a visitor scrolls.
Your claim. A bold headline that tells your visitors immediately what you do, or what problem you can solve of your visitors is essential in letting visitors know they came to the right website.
After your claim (and sometimes, appropriate in your header) should be your call-to-action. This is a way for visitors to contact/purchase/try for free, etc. It helps to create a sense of urgency as well: "Get your Free Quote Today" for example, works because it adds a unit of time.
Testimonials are all the rage. Visitors love to see that you've solved other visitor's problems...visitors just like them. Show their photo to make them even more relatable.
Another call-to-action. That's right, you should have at least two call-to-actions on your home page. Make sure visitors don't have to scroll back to the top of the page for this button, and make it available near or at the bottom. For longer pages, present them more often, but don't bombard visitors.
Don't include:
Your life story. Save a (smaller) version of this for your about section.
Pricing. Up front. Right away. It's best to present the value of what you're presenting, with prices afterwards.
Low resolution photos. It's a great idea to have a large "Hero" photo or video front and center of your page, so make sure it's high-quality, just like your business!
Your e-mail address. Unless you are open to inviting spam robots into your inbox, save your e-mail address for another place, and use contact forms instead.
The About Page
It's important to cater your website to your prospects and solving their problems. While small, family-owned companies may want to focus on their history and specific representatives/employees, larger companies will want to keep personal information brief. This sounds strange, because it's an about page! But it's actually now about you, afterall! It's about your prospects.
Some things to include are:
Your story as it relates to your clients and solving their problems. For example, "I started this company when I realized people were having the problem of ______ and I knew I could help them by _______."
Results. You can include testimonials, statistics, images of completed projects, before and afters, and more here.
Call-to-action. This is going to sound repetitive, so get used to it! Your visitors shouldn't have to click more than twice to get to any page on your website, and your call-to-action should be available somewhere on each page.
Don't Include:
Your life story.
Your degrees.
Random facts and long-winded stories.
That you enjoy taking your dog for walks and a good cup of Earl Grey.
While you want people to get to know you and your business, don't get too personal. Visitors don't want to be treated like your yoga buddy. They are looking to you for help and want to be taken seriously and professionally.
The Products/Portfolio/Services Page
This is more than likely going to be the first page your visitors click on after visiting your home page. Visitors need to know what you offer, and will be looking diligently for your pricing. Always be sure to list the VALUE of your services (i.e. a list of all that's included, a comparison to what other companies offer, or, if you have a portfolio, your work listed first will speak for itself.). Many companies including freelancers, photographers, and designers do not even list prices, but require visitors to inquire with a form or through contact, therefor weeding out tire-kickers.
For portfolios, some extra tips would include:
Choose only your best projects. Don't include your entire life's work.
Include explanations, links to working websites, or images of the process to describe what you do and how you do it, and why your process is the best.
Don't forget that Call-to-Action somewhere on the page! If you are listing products without an internal store, each product should have a button to direct visitors to inquire at the very least.
Remember, art is in the eye of the beholder. You can't make a client like your work, but you can explain why you took the direction you did, and they may appreciate the solution and your process.
The Contact Page
It's becoming more popular today to include a contact form and information at the bottom of each page. But, if you prefer to have a separate contact page, here are some musts to include:
Multiple forms of contact. A contact form is a great thing to have, but adding a phone number or e-mail will help visitors have options.
An integrated map. If you are a brick and mortar business it's essential to allow visitors to find you. Including an interactive Google map will also help boost your search engine rankings.
Make sure all text is editable, not imagery! With a huge percentage of websites being accessed on mobile devices, many of your visitors are going to want to click on your phone number or e-mail address to make contact with you. If this information is in an image, it won't be recognized and clickable. It also won't be searchable by search engines!
There are just the essential pages for any website. There are a ton of other options and components you can include, from interactive calendars to forms and booking, and we can do it all for you! Contact Radiant Resolution today to learn more!