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Resplendence, a blog from Radiant Resolution about graphic design

Why Not Now

Well, it's time to show you what I've been up to. You've probably noticed the lack of graphics work showcased on my social media pages lately, and though I am continuing to work on projects, I have been especially busy with starting a new venture I had only dreamed about until this year. My New Years resolution each year has always been to produce more artwork and eventually sell my artwork in a craft show or local event. Each year it has been moved to the "long term goals" list. But as I turned 30 in November (ack!), I asked myself, "Why not now?" What is holding me back from doing this? After a lot of soul searching, it wasn't lack of time or commitment, it was fear. I have a fear of failure and a need of confirmation from strangers. I want everyone to like my work. I want everyone to find something they like, and to make a purchase. If someone doesn't like my work or passes on buying anything, I've failed. But I'm starting to learn that I don't need someone else's approval. Graphic design is very different, where there is a start and an end and it's catered to each customer. I don't stop the work until my customer is 100% satisfied, even if it's not a piece of work I myself particularly like. With my artwork, I can create what I like, and its success is not measured by my clients. It's MY ARTWORK and if I am happy with it, it's a success! This is a wonderful new feeling, though to be honest I am a tough critic! So with that all being said, my goals over the past few years were to make more time for fine artwork. I'm proud to say that I have completed almost 20 new paintings in a little under 3 months. I'm building my art collection and creating prints, and plan to sell my artwork from my website and an upcoming craft event. There is still a LOT to do--actually, more than I ever thought about! We're talking booth design, displays, framing, recipes, and even the transportation plan! But it's an exciting new journey for me. I'm so glad I asked myself that important question, and so glad I answered, "now is the time!" My website us under a current overhaul, and will be split into two categories of graphic design and fine art. You'll be able to view both from the address soon!Save

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About Brittany Klein

Brittany Klein is a freelance graphic designer from Maryland. She established her company, Radiant Resolution, in 2008 after receiving her Master of Arts degree in graphic design from Savannah College of Art & Design. She has since written blogs, e-books, and articles centered around graphic design and fine art for many organizations across the country.

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