One Small Change

For the first time since I started the blog, I'm posting work that is not mine. But, I feel that this is such a relevant topic that I wanted to address it. PLUS, who hasn't seen the Google logo?
You will notice today that Google has a new logo that’s sleeker and brighter (or maybe some of you won't even notice at all). Then, you'll forget what the old logo looked like. Years from now, Buzzfeed will release an animated article titled "If You Lived in the 2000s You'll Remember This," where it will show the old Google logo, and all of a sudden you'll discover how dated it really looked.
Just a simple font change, from a serif to sans serif font, can make a big difference in any logo. For some companies, it's important to keep an "older" look to create a sense of tradition, originality, and trust. Think of companies who have been around a long time: Quaker Oatmeal, Folgers Coffee, Wells Fargo. For other companies, it's important to stay current, as their product relies on the evolution of technology to keep users coming back. Think Apple, Science Channel, and Google (all logos and marketing campaigns that were redone within the last ten years). By streamlining their logos, they are staying current and creating a sense of newness, excitement, and ease.
It's also becoming more common today to have a simplified version of a logo, like the simple "G" seen above, for purposes of apps, social media, favicons (the little image you see next to a website address), and places where only a small area is available for an image. It is important to ask your graphic designer when creating or updating a logo if they can include a simplified version. When I create a logo, this is automatically included :)
So whether you decide to stick with an original logo, or make a change, it's important to decide what your company is offering, and who the audience is. Completely revamping a logo says you've completely changed your service or product, and that may NOT always be a good thing!
Font studies for the new Google logo, and alternative one-letter logo.