Photo Manipulation

I don't claim to be a photographer. I wish I knew more about photography (I am working on it!). But for now, what I can't do with the camera, I can correct with my computer.
I am often asked to make simple corrections to photographs including color, contrast, virbrance, and lighting. Even more often, I am asked to "touch up" those problem areas for portraits including slimming, smoothing, teeth-whitening, and more. And occassionally, I am asked to do an overhaul on an image, like the corvette image shown below. Though this one was done a few years ago (and I like to think I've improved since this project), you can see just a few of the things that can be done.
I took the photograph in a parking lot with an older Canon Rebel. The quality was fine, lighting was poor, and the background was terrible. Through photoshop, I was able to correct most of the lighting and color issues, and then replace the background. In addition, I added stripes onto the vehicle that were added after the photo was taken, to keep it current rather than retaking the photo. To protect the owner's privacy, eliminating the license plate number was easy. And finally, I added a title and other information on a poster version.
The possibilities are pretty limitless, as long as a photo 1) was taken with enough light and 2) is high-enough quality (if it is to be printed). Keep these thoughts in mind when taking your next image for manipulation and editing!
To see more photo editing samples, visit the "portfolio" section of my website and scroll down to "Photo Manipulation."