Client Success Story: Website Makeover Time
I had the pleasure of working with Image Power, Inc. to produce a new website for this already successful business. The original website for Image Power Inc. was a modest website. All of the information was there, but only through some tricky navigation. Image Power offers many different services, and it was important to showcase this directly on the main page. Let the user know exactly what you offer, and reel them in upon landing at the website. Don't make them have to click around to be fully convinced. Full contact information is also key, and should appear on each page. The fewer clicks to get to the information they need, the better. In general, users shouldn't have to click more than twice to get to any page on the website. Mr. Hynson also had an extraordinary scrapbook collection of photos from special events throughout the years. This was incorporated in an interactive gallery on the "photos" page. His many awards and articles that were previously listed as links to images are now arranged in a slideshow on the "about" page. To view the full website go to